Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychologists are formally trained via a Masters or higher education in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment for a range of mental health concerns. Clinical Psychologists devise individualized evidence-based psychological treatment and support in collaboration with the individual to ensure a collaborative and individually tailored approach.


Our Dietitian uses a Non Diet approach to Nutritional counselling under the Health at Every Size® (HAES) paradigm, with strategies and elements of Intuitive and Mindful Eating. Most importantly our Dietitian can provide you with the latest scientific research about nutrition and can tailor this to their individual needs and lifestyle.

The Non Diet approach can help:

  • improve binge eating or over eating

  • any diet related medical condition, such as high cholesterol, diabetes stabilization or impaired glucose tolerance

  • break the chronic dieting cycle and end the co-existing weight ‘yoyo’ effect

  • promote enjoyment of all foods without guilt or shame

  • promote overall health and wellbeing

  • promote enjoyment of physical activity

Clinical Sexual Health – Sexology

Sexologists focus on human sexuality including sexual interests, behaviours, functions and interactions. Our Sexologist provides sex counselling to all who feel they may require assistance to understand and accept themselves as sexual beings and meet their sexual goals and uses the latest evidence-based interventions to achieve this. Specifically, our Sexologist explores a range of areas including; sexual dysfunction including erectile issues, post-trauma and post-surgery issues, post-partum difficulties, navigating sexual infections and partnerships, support and counselling in regards to relationship breakdown and conciliation (across all gender relationships), and gender identity.